Die Zeit Journalist

Jan 16, 2015

Some of you will have already seen the account written by FCCC member Angela Koeckritz from Die Zeit of the continued detention of her assistant Zhang Miao and of her own repeated and prolonged interrogation by the police which eventually led to Angela choosing to leave China and return to Germany. Each interrogation lasted several hours – the longest for more than four and a half hours. The police repeatedly threatened her with not having her visa renewed as well as other unspecified consequences, and insinuated that she was a spy.

The FCCC condemns, in the strongest terms, the intimidation of one of its members in this outrageous way. We hope that our members will continue to report on Zhang Miao’s detention and treatment.

The German, English and Chinese versions of this article have now been published, links below. Angela can be contacted via email Angela.Koeckritz@zeit.de.


