Thank you for being a member of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China in 2022. We very
much appreciate your support and we hope your FCCC-membership has been valuable to you
both socially and professionally.
Through the adversity we all face, we have continued to provide support and guidance, to share
knowledge, and to raise awareness of the difficult working conditions our community faces. We
held speaker events (and happily some even in person again), a fabulous summer party, and
other social gatherings and regularly spoken up on media freedoms issues in China.
We would like to thank you for your support in 2022 and to ask you to renew your support for our
community in 2023. Your FCCC membership ends on December 31st, which means now is the
time to renew. Unfortunately, there is every reason to believe that the coming year will also be
challenging and the Club’s activities remain as important as ever – your Club needs you!
We ask that you renew as early as possible, as this allows us to plan for next year and organize
even more speaker events and social gatherings. As a bonus, all those who renew before
December 15th will be entered into an early bird raffle to win six bottles of the finest wine
available to the Club.
With kind regards,
FCCC Board