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FCCC Talk: Chinese Soft Power by Maria Repnikova

Google Meet

Maria will introduce the key themes from her recent book “Chinese Soft Power”, including how China’s visions differ from those of the West, and how soft power is implemented across […]


Sunday Yoga for friends of the FCCC

DesFit D studio Destination 3rd Floor Studio (Gongti West Road), Beijing, China

Neck tense? Back tight? Join qualified yoga teacher Sophia for a relaxing yoga session for friends of the FCCC on Sunday 27th March, 4:30-5:30 pm, Destination 3rd Floor Studio (Gongti […]


JingA Kerry Center Beijing Kerry Center, North Tower 1, Beijing, China

Shake off the March blues at the FCCC's monthly happy hour The club will host its happy hour drinks Thursday, March 31. Join the fellow FCCC members for drinks at the […]