August 2015 Tianjin European news outlet

August 2015 Tianjin European news outlet We had a bunch of interference in Tianjin. I was held up by police on the side of the road for about an hour along with a video journalist colleague, who is a Chinese national, when we were covering a protest by families of...

August 2015 Tianjin American news outlet

August 2015 Tianjin American news outlet I was shooting interviews in Tianjin on a street corner near a police station the day after the blasts. The police thought I was shooting the front of the station. Even though the station was just a few steps away, they got...

Reporter arbitrarily denied credential for military parade

Reporter Akio Yaita of the Japanese newspaper Sankei on Aug 18 applied for a credential to cover the military parade. On Sept 1, an official  of the Media Center for the parade told Sankei that the pass for Mr. Yaita would not be issued because the application...

SWAT team interfered reporting

May 18, 2015, Linshui, Sichuan “A peaceful protest of local residence ended in a violent confrontation between police and demonstrators. The local government had allowed Al Jazeera to report on the town’s return to normality. As I was recording a statement...

Police prevent interview with dissident

Hohot, 21.2.2015 We were invited to the home of Hada, the Mongolian intellectual and dissident. His son and wife picked us up, but “guards” prevented us from entering the building under the pretense of “registering,” which we did. Then police, in uniforms...

Police prevent interviews with victims of MH370

Beijing, 30.1.2015 While interviewing relatives of MH370 passengers outside the Temple of Heaven, police told me not to interview them. They briefly confiscating press cards and pushed me away from relatives. The police would not show any ID. When asked why we were...